Whistleblowing Policy

A whistleblowing policy is a procedure to empower employees of Peter Drew Contracts Ltd (the company) to raise concerns, in good faith, they may have about wrongdoing, without concern or fear of reprisals. 

The policy establishes procedures to facilitate the reporting of concerns of improper practice, in confidence, these concerns must be raised in good faith, and applies to all employees. The policy extends to offer legal protection to employees against being dismissed or penalised as a result of publicly disclosing concerns. 

These concerns may include, concealment of improper activities, criminal activity, such as fraud, bribery, dishonesty, theft, failure to comply with legal or statutory obligations, miscarriages of justice, health and safety, environmental pollution or damage, unethical behaviour; 

The company wish to make it clear that this policy is intended to assist individuals who believe they have encountered improper activities. The policy is not intended to replace grievance procedures or to dispute commercial decisions taken by the Company. 

This policy is created to protect employees who disclose improper activities in good faith and the disclosure will be treated as confidential. 

Employees who raise a genuine concern, in good faith, will not be at risk of damaging their employment position or working arrangements, even if this concern is later found to be untrue. Employees will not suffer any victimisation or for bringing to the company’s attention a genuine issue  

When raising a concern employees may wish that their identity is protected, and the company will not disclose any details of their identity without prior written consent. Should there be a need, for legal or other reasons, to disclose the employee's identity this will be discussed with the individual before proceeding. 

Roles & Responsibilities - The Employee

Should an employee discover, or has knowledge of improper activities, then it is the employee's responsibility to report this to the designated officer in the company. 

Roles & Responsibilities - The Employer

The company will ensure that employees who report improper activities in good faith are not treated unfairly or less favourably and are not penalised for doing so. 

Once an employee has reported the company will follow the procedure set out in the employee contract and the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. 

Independent Advice

Employees who want independent confidential advice may contact Public Concern At Work who are an independent law firm and offer free confidential advice. helpline@pcaw.co.uk  020 7404 6609. 

Further useful information is also available at https://www.gov.uk/whistleblowing 

For full details of this policy employees should refer to their employment contract.