
Uniform history is held against each member of staff showing issued
uniform and entitlement.
Check PPE compliance at any time.


The portal holds a record of every product that has been purchased by you for your staff.

This detailed record is never deleted but will be anonymised after a period if you deactivate a member of staff.

You can download staff history in a report at any time or view individual members of staff's history live from their portal details.

So what does detailed history really mean?

History includes past order history, current active orders and drafts orders.

The available fields are: Your reference PO, Draft Order Number, Sales Order Number, Order Date, Shipping Number, Invoice Number, Shipping Date, Staff Name, Staff ID, Item, Colour, Size, Fit, Quantity, Cost, Created By, Ordered By, Courier Reference, Branch, Contract and Wardrobe.

For more details please ask our portal team.

History details